Sunday, April 19, 2009


I write the words I never say
A mind full of thoughts and questions
Both happy and angry swirling around
Making sense of nothing
Only questions coming

Filling pages until the pen runs out of ink
The pencil is whittled to nothing
And my fingers are bruised from typing
Still never getting the words right

It builds inside
Like the crescendo at the end of a symphony
My only outlet is to scream at the moon

So I scream at the moon
Because I can't hurt its feelings
And I'd rather hurt mine
Because I cry my tears in silence

Quiet tears in a busy room
In the corner ignored
By people too blind
Too busy to notice

They'll notice one day
Ten mintues too late

And sometimes the loneliness is so loud
When you're standing in a room full of people
And you want to cry out
But you stay silent.

Someday I'll say what it is I want to say


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