Sunday, April 19, 2009


There is a small bookstore that I go to sometimes and listen to spoken word poetry at. It's a little out of the way place where people stand up and talk about anything they desire, and do it passionately to a room full of people. I was there the other night and a guy who shall remain nameless stood up and talked about conviction.. I thought it was good, and it is with his permission ;) that I am posting it here.


I want to talk to you about conviction.

Not the textbook, dictionary, blah blah blah definition of conviction

But the real world, in your face everyday definition of conviction

I don't want to know what you stand for.

I want to know what you'll stand for.

I want to know what you'll stand up and yell at the top of your lungs for

In the face of someone yelling right back at you that you're wrong

I want to know where it is that you draw the line in the sand

And I want to know if you'll sign your name to that line and say this is where I stand.

I want to know what your dreams are

And I want to know if you'll defend those dreams with every ounce of your being when someone tries to take them from you.

I want to know if you're strong enough to stand by someone you care for

Even if it means having to stand alone, all by yourself

I want to know what moves you

What compels you

What angers you

I want to know what your heart beats for

And I want to know what you'd die for

It's not about what you say

It's about what you do

That is your conviction.

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