Sunday, April 19, 2009


I hear the thud thud thud of little feet in the hallway moments before the door to the room bursts open and he runs in crying..

I'm scared he says.. And I can't sleep.. I think there's a monster under my bed..

I pick him up and set him beside me and I tell him there's nothing to be afraid of.. Monsters aren't real...

But if it would make you feel better you can stay in here with me where its safe for a while..

And Its the middle of the night when my phone rings..

"I'm scared she says, and I can't sleep.. I keep having these terrible dreams about monsters..."

And I want to put my arms around her and tell her the same comforting words I tell him.. "There's nothing to be afraid of..
Monsters aren't real...".

But I know what she's been through.... And I know how empty those words would be..

Because you see..

Sometimes the monsters ARE real..

And I hope she learns to not be scared..

I hope one day she can put a face on her fears..

Because when you can put a face on what you're afraid of.

Then you can beat it.

Then she could stand here and tell her story..

And maybe her story would inspire someone..

And maybe that might just be enough

To save them..

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